Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

White money for dark times – such a well-know quotations, am I right? Parents, grandparents, friends, taxi drivers, everybody is saying that to you. But don’t worry, my situations is the same. And I hate it. Why? Because dark times either never come, or we are living them the entire life. And this life, such unpredictable and full of surprises, plays tricks on us and  then pretends to be good. Our fate is like a movie, and life eats popcorn while watching it. That’s why we shouldn’t play her game. We should live each day as it is the last one, and never regret something. About money, it’s the same. It is better to enjoy money I earn than saving them. Why? Because I live today, because I have only one life and because tomorrow may not come.

First, what for were the money made? Exactly, for spending them! Everything in life has a sense, a purpose, we work for relaxing, we gain money for spending them. Lets’ imagine a boy, Tom, for example. His entire life he was a workaholic,  he gained and saved money, paying no attention to the life’s pleasures. Then, suddenly, in a sunny day, he dies in an car accident. Then, an infinite of time he will stay in heaven and look down to earth, regretting all the things he could do with his money while being alive. Would you like to be like Tom?

Second, I’ll speak about those mysterious dark times. Those times when, from your point of view, ugly creatures come out from the shadow, eating everything they see in their way, devastating building and taking toys from children. And here is you: small, unprotected human being. While a big monster’s foot wants to step on you, the hero is coming! A flying dollar appears from the sky, pushing you away from the monster and protecting you as a magic wall made from a mixture of stones, small particles of diamonds and the most durable iron. No! This will never happen, but not because there are no flying dollars or ugly monsters, but because money don’t care about you. In dark times, only your close friends, family, hope and love will save you.

Third, how can you rely on something so instable? Thieves and international politics, are just some factors that dramatically influence money. You saved money in euro? And what if tomorrow European Union is destroyed? You keep your money under the bed? And what if tomorrow some thieves visit you? Your money are in a bank? Have you ever heard about crisis or bank rumps?

So, never forget about the money’s destiny: to be spent. Remember that in this world there is nothing more instable than money. And the last thing, dark times were forever, even when money did not exist. Now, as a conclusion, I’ll ask you something: is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future?

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Should people read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts?

Imagine something. Imagine anything. Just close your eyes and let your imagination fly far, far away, somewhere you cannot go, something you cannot touch. Imagine the unimaginable. Don’t fall asleep, just keep your eyes closed and think. Don’t think about something real, reality doesn’t exist in your mind, think about what you like, what you want or what you deserve. Now, take a deep breath and be ready to face the reality. Open your eyes and make a shocked face. Yes, this is reality: violent, dirty, disrespectful, full of pain, madness and tears. I guess you would like to go back in your dreams, or maybe in someone else’s dreams. But you have to stay here and learn how to survive, and, if you are a good student, you will get a prize. Another travel to the Dream World. Your ticket? Books. What a surprise it will be if, for example, you buy the ticket, you enter the train, you travel and then…you arrive in the same place from where you began your journey. This happens when you read books about real events, real people and established facts. It is human to have some masochistic behaviors, so we need these books, but not only them.

My first statement is that we live in the diversity, and should take advantage of it. To read only those books about realistic facts it’s like eating the entire life the same meal. If you eat it once a week, it is good, but not every day, for 60 years. We need the diversity in order to survive. We need something to believe in. As in the example with the food, where we need different meal if we want to develop physically, we need different types of book if we want to become mentally developed and intelligent people.

Our need to escape could be the second reason why reading only about real life, people and events is a stupid idea. I’ll ask myself a quite simple question? Why do I read? Because I want to escape, to relax, to forget about what happened to me, about my real life, because I want to see something else, something beautiful. I remember my feelings when I read a book about something that doesn’t really exist. I’m teleported to another world, an amazing one. I escape from my daily routine. The conclusion is that only fictive books help us to overcome our monotonous and boring routine.

According to a quotation, everything that comes to our mind, exists. My third reason is that we should read all kind of books because in this way, we increase the beauty and the possibilities from our inner world. Do you think imagination comes from nowhere? Or the inventions, originality and creativity are inborn? No! Everything we see, listen to, and interact with, make the foundation of our personality. The books are the main stones. I know from my own experience that reading helps to develop imagination, this is why imagination isn’t be based on reality. We have to read about real people, facts and events too, but not only this kind of literature, otherwise, we risk to become too close-minded and not open to new things.

Now, I’ll ask you a rhetoric question: should people read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts?  No, because we have to develop our interior world, reading fictive books,  we need to escape from daily routine in another world, non-realistic one, and finally, people were made to live in diversity. Because of these three reasons and a lot of others, I’m sure that the books I read should be not only about real facts and people. Remember, we are what we read!

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Alone? (? A person should never make an important decision alone)

“Remember my child, your life is in your hands”, said the old witch and disappeared into the dark forest, leaving beside her a path of small, blue spring flowers.

You may say that is only a scene from a movie, but I’ll answer you that movies are based on real life. And the real part  here is not the witch or the dark forest, but those words, fulfilled with the flavor of independence, freedom, consciousness, and, the last but not the least, truth. It doesn’t matter, I have to choose what to wear today or where to study after lyceum, I know that I’ll make a decision alone. Why? Because if I make a bad decision, I will say “Never mind, it is mine. Why should I make some else’s bad decisions if I can make my own?”. I think you have got the point, so I’ll move on, and give you some reasons of my judgment.

First, no one knows me as much as I do, so, how could someone else be able to help me in making an important decision? Let’s take an example: I have to choose the country where I want to study at the university. Do you think that my parents, or friends could help me? Yes, giving some pieces of advice is not bad, but in fact, only I’ll choose my way. If my friend says me to go to Canada, my parents, to France, if I want to go to Australia, I’ll do it, because it is my university, my decision, my life. In fact, why should someone else live  your life instead of you?

As a second reason, I will state that we shouldn’t be afraid of making decisions. Because making decisions is fun! When I have to choose between something, I’m feeling very important, because of my decision something depends. And bigger the decision is, the bigger is my feeling of importance. But when I know that I didn’t take an important decision alone, I feel like I’m not able to do it independently.

And my last reason is a quotation of Steve Jobs: “The wrong decisions are the right ones”. Once, he told that the best decisions he made in this life were the wrong ones. For example, when he was fired from Apple, he thought is was the worst thing that happened with him, but after years, he said that if he weren’t fired, he could not return back with more innovative ideas. Another example if that of quitting the university and taking some coursed of calligraphy. Also after years, only because he left the university and had enough time to take those courses, he was able to make a marvelous design for Macintosh, his first invention. Now, remember that nothing from these could happen if somebody else would advice him what to do and help him taking decisions.

Don’t be afraid of making an important decisions, because in fact, nobody knows what will happen with you next, and your decision can be either good or bad, but you know that it is your own. So, live your life and don’t allow someone else to do it in your place, take bad decisions, risk, be independent, love the freedom, and remember, nobody else knows you as you know yourself.


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Boys to the right, girls to the left.Boys and girls should attend separate schools

Once, there was stated a theory, that after some hundreds of years, people will not communicate anymore, will not interact with each other and will not need affection, hugs and feelings. They will live with their own technique, speak with robots and sleep in electronic beds. To socialize? People from future don’t know what is it. Boys, girls? What’s the difference? they will ask. Now, I’m sure that this view seems not very pleasant to you, so, you’ll start to ask yourself what was the start point of this craziness – the idea of  less interaction, less communication, more knowledge and studying, and, finally, the separation. Girls to the right, boys to the left – yes, this separation will make the foundation of the future non-communicative society.

The first reason why children should not attend separate school for boys and for girls is because of the quality of learning. I remember from my own experience that even in primary school, there were a kind of competition between girls and boys, who learn better, who is a bigger authority or who says a funnier joke. Then, in gymnasium, girls wanted to learn better in order to help boys they like at tests and boys where always showing some tips and points, in order to impress girls. In lyceum, the things evaluated, and both “parts” became friends, and learn a lot from each other.

The second reason is communication – this vital process in our development. How could someone evolve, develop, if not because of  the interaction with the others? People are like animals, they should live together, in bigger or smaller groups and communities, and communicate both with girls and boys, in order to become mentally developed and intelligent persons. Communication is the key of life, and children should learn how to handle it from an early age, while separate schools prevent this.

The last reason why boys and girls should learn in the same school is for their own benefit. There is a bigger probability that in separate schools more boys will become gay, and girls will either be extremely shy, or would date the first boy they see. While studying in the same school or class, the both parts have the possibility to “study” the others, and to get used to them.

As a conclusion, I will say that it is better for boys and girls to grow up mixed together, because when they become  adults and live an adult’s life, they will have to interact with each other, but they will not be able to do it, because communication is a skill that should to be studied while being a little child.


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Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?

“To be or not to be?” this is the  Shakespeare’s question, mine is “to do or not to do?”. I ask it  when I have to clean the house, or wash the dishes, or learn something very hard, or greet my boring and dull neighbor, or …  the list may continue, but I’ll prefer instead to explain what’s going on with this annoying, life’s-beauty-spoiling and mum’s most preferred phase: you should do it. More than that, I guess we all, like pretty mature and decent persons, will agree that people should sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing.

First, life is not only about joy, rainbows, pink unicorns and friendly giants. Life is a continuously search for meaning, struggle for the best, and also a very hard trial to deal with daily problems, such as the dreadful vacuum cleaner and dark, creepy, nearly useless chemistry book. But we should do it. Why? Because we live in that flat, because it’s only a poor chemistry book and it’s not more powerful than we are, because we are, after all, human beings: we have the enormous power of will! And as an old adage states: if we have, why not to use?

Second, just sit down for a while and imagine how would your life look like if you did only things you like. No-no, don’t smile, it seems very attractive and tempting only at the beginning. What is forbidden, is extremely wanted, right? But then, slowly, everything becomes unexciting, because, you know, how long can the mouse dance on the table? He will get bored after 5 minutes and will start to look after the cat. “Where is the cat? I want something bad in my life! Psss psss psss…”

Third, what will happen if you eat every time only cakes? Would you still say the same” yummy, cake!”? I guess no, because we do need salted food if we want to enjoy sweets. The same is with our activities: we should do thing we don’t want even to hear about, if we want to enjoy the others. For example, at school, only comparing this with that lesson we can decide that we definitely love one subject.

So, as a conclusion, I would like to give you a piece of advice: if you want to live a fulfilled life, don’t hesitate to do thing you don’t enjoy doing.  Because you are a human being, because you are capable of more than just lying all day long in front of the TV, because we should taste a bit from every moment given in life, and start doing things we disliked before. So, be grateful that you have the possibility to use a vacuum cleaner. Smile and good luck!


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